Thursday, September 23, 2010

Course Contract Review

1. I am doing well at being more motivated in class as well out completely our assignments.
2. I am not doing well at taking extra notes while I do the reading. I fill in the study guides but need to make more notes for myself to help me on the test.
3. I am making okay progress on my goals. I need to strive to complete those goals more though.
4. I need to start studying on a weekly bases instead of the week of the test. I need to read more thoroughly and participate in class more often.
5. My motivation is average, I do need to have more motivation for this class. This is my busiest semester thus far so there's a huge focus on time management for each class and I need to make more time for this class. I am trying to focus on performance goals just to stay caught up and make sure I'm learning the things I need to. I do need to change the things listed above which I will work on doing this week :)

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